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Salvation will come.....

                                               .....When the White Wolf appears.....

                                                                                                                                                              - Lusen

translated from Ancient "the god's language"....

Seeing a white wolf is a rarity on Dragonol… I’m Sonuzica or Elixabeth, I shape shifter, meaning I can turn into a single animal, once I turn 13. Low and behold, the single animal I can turn into is…. the white wolf of legend! Now I have to lead a rebellion, against Ienaka’s or Jak’s, my best friend, older brother Dragan.

My parents were assassinated the day after my birthday! And now I have to destroy a vampire with a thing for young girls, plus he wants me to be his “queen”, more like slave…

Also I have no idea how to kill him if he can kick our butts every time we get close enough to him to make the kill! This is too stressful for a thirteen year old girl…

 Translation ended...

Who am i?

Online Name(s) – Wolfe, Elixabeth, Crimson Shifter, Dark Seraph gamer and sometimes Sonuzica.

Real Name – Elizabeth Wearne
Gender - girl
Nationality/Race – Australian
Age - 15
Likes – chocolate, apple crumble, chicken (food), birds, dogs, dragons, vampires (non-sparkly), music, YAOI!!!! , drawing, teasing my boy-friend, wolves, the color crimson, stories, minecraft.
Dislikes – spiders, social idiots, medicine, haters.

Hobbies – drawing, gaming​

quote - "WHAT DO YOU MEAN I DID BADLY ON TIME?!?!!" -chuggaaconroy (Okami lets play)

OK.... so this is going to be annoying, talking about myself like this... anyway!

i'm Elizabeth (Wolfe) and i am  writing a book called Wolf Shifter. i am a high school student and my spelling is bad so it's gonna take awile.

i'm on deviantart. and i have a gaming you tube channel. ​the colored text means you can click the link. :) i love playing minecraft so expect to see minecraft videos up there.


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